Golden Wheel Battle King vs the Radiant Wheel King

 By now Manalasuo had lost some of their casual arrogance. Somehow they were already behind 0-3, and their last hope rested on Vincent's shoulders.

 As for Wang Zheng's choice, Vincent felt a slight tinge of puzzlement, but confidently made his own choice.

 Radiant Wheel King!

 This was Manalasuo's super mech. Any great country, like Manalasuo, would not stumble at the same place. Although the Golden Wheel mech was a failure, it had provided material, which had seen light in the Radiant Wheel King. This was the evolved version of the Golden Wheel mech. A fighter-type mech, with terrifying forward movement ability, as well as a ridiculous attack power that left people stupefied.

 It was rumored that on Manalasuo, only mechnists could use it, because such mecha took a high physical and mental toll, requiring one to be an expert at multitasking to pilot. To fully unlock its capabilities, one had to multitask three activities simultaneously.