Birth of a New Mech

After switching off the Skylink, Wang Zheng was still stunned for some time. It had only been a short time since he had decided to achieve something on the Titatitan Star. Yet he had been summoned back?

Frankly speaking, Wang Zheng did not wish to leave. He had always wanted to complete what he had started. Moreover, with his relationship with the Lan family and the people of Tita, this wasn't something that definitely couldn't be resolved.

If the new mech was developed, with the commercial value of this model of mech, it would be enough as the capital for the initial development of the Titatitan Star. There would be no need to engage in destructive excavation.

What was more important was that this would be different from the Commerce Organization, where they stocked up while waiting for the price to increase. What Wang Zheng wanted to do was merely a very ordinary form of research and development.