
 Wang Zheng was a little strained by being tossed around. In the dorm, he was still pestered by Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu, and decided to go for a walk. As a commentator, Yao Ailun had pressed him to stay with Old Deer for a while, since it was so rare that Wang Zheng was willing to have a hand in the game. Right now, the audience was buzzing with excitement. If they did an advertisement, or anything else, they would stand to make a tidy sum.

 Wandering through the school grounds, Wang Zheng had already fully disengaged from the battle mood he had been in. To be honest, there was not even any 'battle' mood. After being through so much, his mental state was a lot more mature than Yao Ailun's and Chen Xiu's. They were still counted as full-fledged students, while he was no longer one.

 Suddenly thinking of Old Merchant's application, Wang Zheng decided to find some cybercafe, since he could not very well return to the dorm.