Feigned Success

"They were a company from Earth. Unfortunately our hotel is currently in a busy period, so there's not enough to accommodate them." The front desk girl still maintained a professional stance.

Jasper laughed. That fatty had been nothing but envious hatred. At his level, there was no need for such displays. He had lost the feel for it, but seeing that fatty stumped had brought a little perverse pleasure. He had not seen such a pathetic showing in a while.

At that same time, Canyon City District, the center of Canyon City, and also the political center of Titatitan Star.

Lan Ling had an office here as well. She was now Titatitan's Milky Way Alliance council representative. Each day, she had to deal with many things. Life was fulfilling, but fast-paced. Tired was tired, but seeing the systematic changes of Titatitan from day to day gave her the motivation to tackle these matters with renewed vigor each day.