Battle of the Xuan and Huang

"Lear is here!"

"Where? Where?

"He's there, beside the wretched-looking fatty. This kid is indeed strong to be able to dominate Matru from Vermillion Bird Region despite Matru's Ability X clearly being stronger. He was beaten till he had no ability to retaliate."

"He's really handsome and has a gentlemanly feel around him!"

"Yeah. Earth is the origin of mankind. Rumours had it that Lear's family was part of the Royal Family for generations and is from one of the most ancient noble families!"

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend. Hehe."

"Sl*t, are you on heat? However I hear that he really doesn't have a girlfriend yet and has always focused on training. His only friend was that burdensome fatty."

A group of girls were staring at Lear with their watery eyes. This was enough to satisfy Luo Fei as he looked lustfully around. This was the benefit of being famous.