Preparing For Every Eventuality

Rara Durai worshipped Wang Zheng blindly. This adulation had not made him weaker as Titan, but in fact stronger. He felt that Wang Zheng was a reincarnation of his god, guiding him.

That was why when Wang Zheng wanted anything done, Rara Durai would always put in his 200% trust and carry it out, to astonishing results.

When Rara Durai opened his eyes, he had been emitting a silver light from his eyes. His body was ensconced by the sighs of wind and lightning, and there had been a slight rumble of thunder.

"Ada, I feel like my body is charged with strength. And… It seems like something outside is trying to befriend me. I feel the Tita Star, the motherly presence."

Rara Durai's huge eyes were actually shimmering with tears.

Wang Zheng was shocked too. He had not thought that Rara Durai would have such positive reception to his techniques. This was wonderful.