The Battle for the Son of Saint

Wang Zheng shrugged. "Well, there must have been a reason. Actually, I'm not sure either… I guess it's probably fate. I think we'd make better friends than enemies. Of course, the final decision is in your hands."

"Aren't you afraid I'll go back on my word?" asked Heaven.

Wang Zheng laughed, "If that were really the kind of person you were, I definitely don't think I would be alive right now. I think we would make good comrades."

Heaven closed his eyes and fell silent. Wang Zheng's words had hit Heaven's sweet spot. No… Heaven didn't belong in the lonely atmosphere of the Underworld. As Heaven looked at Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu, he saw a reflection of himself and couldn't bear to leave. If they were able to live this way…


The quilt had exploded in the hands of Lear Chronos.