Cruel Freshman

It is obvious to Luo Fei that Lear was not in a good mood but he just could not understand the reason behind it. Frankly speaking, everything seemed to be in control. They went to check the Runic Mech's design, it was impeccable and indeed a tailor-made machine for Lear, perfect for his Ares Art. Black Tortoise Region's Professors were undoubtedly thinking highly of Lear and prepared to invest all their resources in Lear. After all, Hu Kan's vigor had weakened after his defeat to Olivios. Lear's potential was much greater than Hu Kan in this case. Moreover, Black Tortoise Region could not afford to lag further behind from the other Regions.

So, why was Lear's mood worsening when everything was going smoothly? The thought was bothering Luo Fei.

Lear looked at Luo Fei. "Go and check out Li Zhilong."

"Li Zhilong?" Luo Fei has not heard about this guy.

"Freshman, from Manalasuo but had transferred to the White Tiger Region," Lear answered.