Team Saruman Snake

This rain of attacks shocked everyone. The wind element ability in addition to Vincent's solid mecha usage, made the Golden Wheel Battle King into a total undefeatable Hellish Killing God.

Golden Wheel Crazy Dance!

The nearer it was the stronger the power. This was the undefeatable Golden Wheel Battle King. Especially under such one on one circumstances, once the Golden Wheel Battle King had entered the rhythm and suppressed its opponent, its opponent would most likely face a beating.

The Phantom King was suppressed, a total suppression. Vincent's wheels totally did not give the Phantom King any chance of escaping the battlefield. And the Phantom King could only exhaust itself defending. There was no energy to retaliate when faced with this kind of strong attacks. However, there was no way of defending against the Golden Wheel Battle King.

Energy Doppelganger!

Was Wang Zheng trying to use this to disrupt his rhythm?