
Wang Zheng breathed evenly. There was still snow floating in the air. At this moment, the route was already deep into the snowy plains. They could no longer spot the Ice Spear City from their surroundings. Rather, they were surrounded by whiteness. Everyone wore protective eye gear. Even so, the whiteness reflected by the snow still caused dizziness.

The world, icy cold, so quiet that only breathing sounds, footsteps and the soft landing of snow could be heard.

He could feel the same active vitality that he felt on Titatitan Star. But the feeling was quite the opposite. Tita Star was filled with life energy and friendliness. It nourished every life. But here, loneliness filled the surroundings and there was no end to the icy cold.

And within the icy coldness was the same type of power.

Unknowingly, Wang Zheng had quickened his pace. Breathing in the aura of ice and snow, slowly, his aura assimilated into that of ice and snow.