Being Wretched is Also a Form of Temperament

Ka Tuo said. He had not expected such complicated tactics from the get-go. It seemed like each member privately had a burning desire to prove themselves. Nobody would go down willingly.

But the other military school students were not as happy.

"D*mn, I thought the Elite Academy was all full of monsters, but they're not even on our level. Isn't this just a 1v1?"

"If I'd known, I would have gone to watch the CT exhibition battle. At least that has some entertainment value."

"I hope they don't make us watch this all day. Just clashing of metal and flesh. What damned use is that?"

But the clashing fighters did not care about these. Both Pampas and Lear understood the other's intentions. A quick measure of standard. Why not?

This was also a convention in team battles. A hard clash between various positions was a formal courtesy, and also a test. Only, Pampas had not thought that a punk from Earth would have such confidence.

"Ya Tiannan!"