Getting the Deed Done

The arrival of Aina was definitely a boost of confidence for the Imperial Glory Battle Team. This made Hocatolin and others excited, like they were given a shot of energy. Their recent training was also filled with enthusiasm.

Out of the two princesses, Lin Huiyin was more friendly and cute, but if talking about who possessed the image of a true princess, Aina was definitely the first in the Milky Way Alliance. In the Milky Way Alliance, there were still countries where Monarchy as a system remained. Yet no one was on par with Aina Aslan. After Aina entered the Milky Way Galaxy Military College, the popularity of the Milky Way Galaxy Military College was almost unbeatable. If it was not for the emergence of the Greatest King Competition, the Elite Academy would become like a passer-by. You must know that from the perspective of attracting attention, the Elite Academy was obviously better.

But this exchange was too sudden.
