
Wang Zheng arrived at the restaurant, and it was clear that the whole place was reserved. This could also be considered as the usual way of doing things by the royal family of Asian. What did the brat, Huiyin, want to do?

It was clear from one glance. Wang Zheng didn't see Huiyin, and only Aina was around.

She was wearing a one-piece spaghetti dress. On her fair-as-jade neck was a string of pearls. It was simple and elegant. Her hair was casually tied up in a ponytail. She had the approachable feeling like the girl next door while still remaining elegant.

Aina didn't understand either. She rarely tied a ponytail. Moreover, she had initially wanted to come dressed in a grand dress. However, she kept having the feeling that something wasn't right. Wang Zheng didn't seem to be fond of that type… it was just that how would she know what Wang Zheng would like?