A Higher Being

"When did you make it?" Gazing at the huge mech, Wang Zheng was caught completely off guard.

Lan Ling was like a little girl receiving praise. She gave a delighted smile. "You think we're just lazing around all day? An economic development needs a commensurate amount of military backing. It's true that space troops are not easily built up, which is why we focused our energies on this. Currently, we have 100 of these, as a secret weapon. This design was also bought at top dollar."

Of course, this was not OMG's technology. In order to increase the Tita military power, especially the ground forces, Mu Sen and Lan Ling had also done their best. Armor was easy to manufacture, but the battle power was limited. And this giant mech would definitely be a useful tool in ground battles, in unforeseen ways.