Saruman Snake Vs Asura

"What kind of expressions do you two cowards have? Isn't it just the Asura battle team? Everyone has just a pair of heads on a set of shoulders. What's there to be afraid of!?" Xiao Fei was very displeased with the two cowardly people.

"Ahem, Your Majesty, it's a pair of shoulders carrying a head." Yao Ailun laughed bitterly. Sometimes, it was indeed a blessing to not know. The principal was naturally a very strong existence, but not in the aspect of military affairs. To be more accurate, even after becoming a principal, Xiao Fei did not invest much effort and energy in this aspect. She could not understand how battle power was so different among people, even though they were all people.

"Teacher, this is indeed quite tough," Chen Xiu said.