I'm Going to Fight You With All I Have!

Simba was very calm. As Arbiter's sniper, he was the most well-rounded. He knew all sorts of ploys and styles. His talent was only high frequency. In the Asura battle team, or even among the strongest kings, his ability was the lousiest, it was very common. All along he was also the one to be ignored in the Asura battle team.

But his position had never been shaken before. Because he was the only one who could shoot from any position. He could truly understand all the positions. Hence, when he was the sniper, he could always make the most accurate judgment.

Marzu had said before that anyone on the battle team would make mistakes, except Simba. He was an accurate machine.

As long as it was a clear match up, Simba would hold on to the advantage until his opponent died.

No matter who the opponent was.

Lie Xin ground her teeth. One street, as long as she could rush over then this sniper would die.