Fallen Angel

Jiang Feng looked at the six youngsters. Each had a look filled with confidence and steel. Youth was a wonderful thing. In their hearts, they must have felt that nothing in this world was impossible.

"The missions you will face are different from those before. Some cannot be solved with violence alone. But all of these missions have a commonality, which is that the death rate is 90%," Jiang Feng mildly stated. He looked at their carefree expressions and could not help smiling. This was youth.

"You can choose to back out now, but if you choose to continue, you must see it through. This has nothing to do with bravery. I hope you can make a rational decision," Jiang Feng said. He thought he had made it clear. No more emphasis was needed.

The six of them had no reason to back down. It was not that they had never been in danger, but that they had confidence in their abilities.