Lost in the Skies

In the beautiful but lonely night sky, a silver warship cruised silently. This was one of the most advanced explorer warships in the galaxy, designed to explore unknown planets.

Currently, it was on a planet far away from the human world.

Meng Tian rose from sleep. She took a deep breath and lightly waved her hand, awakening the lights in the bedroom and dissipating the dreams in her mind.

The Skylink, connected to the outside of the warship, repeatedly flashed, indicating the current situation.

Warship time: 23:30.

Simulated environment of late night.

Mission time: 24:00 cockpit.

Meng Tian came down from the bed. Her snow-white feet treaded on the icy floor, driving away the fuzziness of sleep.

She had been dreaming a lot lately. The further she was, the less composed she felt. Meng Tian smiled at herself mockingly.