All Grown up

At this moment, Pogba's Skylink rang, and a killing intent flashed past his eyes. "Master, Wang Zheng seems to have walked right into the trap. He is now in the hands of Hong Lirong, but the Hong Lirong family did not cut off their relations with the Milky Way Alliance completely. I am worried, will it be a trap?"

Pogba also had hatred in his heart. He had spent so much time trying to capture Wang Zheng, but the other side had captured him alive so easily. This was giving him a slap in the face.

Lear glanced at Pogba. "Everything is under control. If there is any problem with Hong Lirong, just kill her too."

"Master, you are so wise. Then I will arrange it," Pogba said excitedly. It was clear that Master Son of Saint was still quite fond of him. Some words would not be clearly said, but this suggestion meant that the Master Son of Saint wanted to develop him. "Please rest assured. In the future, your words will be orders, and I will execute them meticulously!"