Bliss and Regret

On the way back, Huiyin was also wrestling with complex emotions. She did not know what she should do. Should she avoid him? Inside, she felt longing, but also apprehension.

"Angela, what should a person do when they can't make up their mind?" Huiyin asked.

"Toss a coin," Angela joked. "I'm kidding. The person should ask themselves which one will make them feel blessed. Fortune and happiness are undoubtedly the most important."

"The problem is, I don't know which will bring me happiness. Advancing might not bring happiness, and neither might retreating. It's hard to I choose whether to fight or not." Huiyin was at a loss. Sometimes, the struggle lay in making the decision, not in the consequences.

"If that's the case, then a person should ask themselves if they will regret it if they lose it," Angela said.

Regret… if lost?

Huiyin felt like she could not breathe.