Quality Competition

X testing reflected one's overall control and potential of Ability X. Wang Zheng's rollercoaster fluctuations had been a real change for Wang Zheng himself.

Wang Zheng had always known that he would be enlightened in the Five Elements, but he needed the opportunity, or some planet with the Five Elements. But he had not thought to suddenly encounter both on Aslan, and also pull off his first Five Elements cycle. The waft of good feeling was indescribable.

Mutually complementary and advancing. This was the real condition for Primordial Regression Technique. Comprehensive and holistic mastery was a world of difference compared to the singular mastery of one.

Metal and Earth were only basic masteries, and far from Earth-rank. They could not even be used in any useful attacks in battle. But as a supplement, they were fearsome enough.

As for this championship, Wang Zheng had gained another few points of confidence.