The Peak of Power

The Milky Way Alliance's House of Representatives election, held every five years, was imminent. Aslan had always occupied the most seats, and the number of seats guaranteed Aslan's foundational future for its plans in the next five years.

Only, Kashawen was not satisfied with the current situation. She hoped to progress even further.

But the Arbiter competition, as well as Manalasuo's brainless hounding, were problems that Aslan had to deal with. As for the other federations, they did not have as much ambition, and were easily shaken off.

That was why Aina represented an important link in the process. This was unquestionably bait, and she could not hide it. But even so, she had to take it.

After all, even fish escaped the hook sometimes. It was hard to say who would come out ahead.

Arbiter Soulless battle team.

"Captain Aragorn, you're saying that Princess Aina favors you?" The Soulless battle team members were stunned.