This is Deterrence!

Peng peng peng…

Light, rhythming knocking. The door opened, and a tall, grim Aslan officer walked in.

"Your Highness."

"Lacus. Arrange for the best treatments, and take me to see the wounded," Aina said.

"Yes, Your Highness," Lacus respectfully said. "The qualifier results are over, and Saruman Snake battle team is in first place."

Aina nodded. "I know. Go arrange it."

This result would surprise her aunt, but given her understanding of her aunt, she would not be so charitable to let him rest. The most important thing was to cherish the time now and give Wang Zheng sufficient time to recover. The battle could not be pushed forward, and her only solution now would be to act first and set the tone. After all, it would not be Wang Zheng alone who was hurt.

This win had given Aina the resolution to fight back. But most importantly, she wanted to see Wang Zheng.

Prime Minister's Office.