Ridiculing Past Glories

The SIG top 32 battle had begun with the Saruman Snake battle team against the Storm battle team.

The Saruman Snake battle team, who had been glorious at Elite Academy X and were the strongest kings in this competition, had ushered in their first battle, and the opponent was the Storm battle team, whose capabilities did not lose to theirs.

The venue that was used was the Royal College. This was actually also a privilege for the students in the Royal College. After all, they were the only ones in the entire Milky Way Alliance that could most conveniently witness a battle of such level and feel its atmosphere, especially since it was undoubtedly important for everyone to experience battles between experts.

For the first day of the competition, there would be four rounds, and each round would have eight battles. There would be one round in the morning, two in the afternoon, and one at night.