
This was definitely a first for the Storm battle team. Losing an almost sure-win battle so utterly and completely stunned them all. It was a performance of fighters with similar capabilities. The ranks of Achilles totally suppressed Satie. This was a case of encountering embarrassment, not a curse.

Still, the Storm battle team pressed on. Now all they have to do is take a chance.

For round two, the Storm battle team sent Ma Su. It was a difficult situation for the Storm battle team. But as a man from Manalasuo, he had to stand firm and believe he could overcome the difficulties.

A tower of a man, at 2.3 metres tall, Ma Su was a rare sight to behold. He seemed extraordinarily mighty. Ma Su looked provocatively at Wang Hao and showed him a hand gesture.

Wang Zheng smiled. "Mu Zhen."

Mu Zhen stood up. Everyone appeared dwarfish the moment he stood up.

Tita giant.