
His dreams were bountiful, but they could not become reality. Olivios was still formidable and the Asuras were still unrivalled. It seemed as if he had just missed a step, like he would win if he had put in a bit more strength, but in reality, that was just impossible.

But of course, everyone had to acknowledge that Zhou Yun was a strong warrior, that he could match up to the Dynasty battle team's prestige, but there was no use if he was not victorious.

Lear seemed to have predicted it. After all, it was Olivios. It would be strange if he had won.

"Are you okay?" Lear inquired. Once they entered the team battle, Zhou Yun would also be the main force.

Zhou Yun wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth. "Just a bit of a shock, it's not a big deal."

Lear nodded. "Our advantage is in tactics, but we must still be rational. This is a good lesson."