A Roundhouse Kick Teleportation!

When he came out, everyone's eyes were on him, filled with awe. Luo Fei was not too sure of what he had done, but he had a general idea. He had felt that it was not his doing. Every time he was in that state, he would always feel that way.

The Arbiter people's eyes were filled with killing intent, but there was no use. It was just the anguished wails of the weak. Mars had also destroyed many people the same way.

Distinct battle tactics and frightening abilities. From his fighting skills to his spiritual powers, completely destroying Mars; for Mars to meet Luo Fei, who had such abilities, it was really despairing.

Luo Fei choosing the Hercules from the start was for the sake of beating Mars half to death. Alloy shovels were the easiest tools to cause concussions with, which would cause Mars to be unable to enter battle. It was just that he had never expected that in that state, he would nearly have killed Mars off.