Blade and Sword

All the members of the big battle teams were present in this round. The reason laid on the fact that by watching Wang Zheng repeatedly, you would be able to feel his subtle movements and rhythms. You would then get use to those movement and rhythm and uncover the means to deal with him. Afterall, they were in the same grade.

Of course, basically no one wanted to compete with Wang Zheng in physical technique. His single punch had devastated Qiqin Nacchai's finger technique. Truly chilling. However, a mech would definitely unable to exert such power.

At González's age and experience, being distracted would only last momentarily. He soon regained his composure and chose his mech – Ghost Warrior.

In order to fight against Wang Zheng, there must be a determination to stare death in the eye and be resurrected. González was a man of the world. He had to take a risk. He would have to use his experience that he had over Wang Zheng to finish him off.