To be stronger!

The battle between Lie Xin and Hu Ya was the most cautious. Zhang Shan was getting anxious as he watched from the crowd. He felt that Lie Xin was stronger than Hu Ya, and should not be as cautious as Hu Ya. Lie Xin was more warrior-like, and her techniques were more solid, so she should not be so cautious. Instead, she should be pressuring her opponent more.

Of course, Zhang Shan also knew that the observer was more perceptive. When you were in the middle of the battle, it was a totally different state of mind and feeling. Lie Xin was not wrong about her choice. The victory was not dependent on them, but rather between Wang Zheng and Jondi Lilick. Even if they had already gained an advantage, they might not dare to provide support. A wrong move could affect Wang Zheng's rhythm. A difference in ability level meant a very different battle. It was not just a simple scenario of having more people