Let Go and Fight

Right now, Wang Zheng was not only representing himself. The entire world was looking at him. What they saw was Earth, the place that was once the origin of human civilization. But had long been forgotten since. It only existed as a fossil that was occasionally mentioned in the textbooks.

"As the first and second layer of the defense system has encountered some issues, the battle might be delayed for another half an hour. We hereby send our most sincere apologies," said Si JIali after she received the latest news.

The destruction brought about by Atlas and Wang Zheng's earlier battle was rather thorough. For the safety of everyone, the defense system needed to be completely restored. Otherwise, the results might be dire for everyone. More than a dozen personnel had already entered the arena to make the adjustments. Of course, the arena need not be restored, and could not. Those who had very confidently said that it would not be damaged had nothing to say.