
The sharp, alloy bayonet effortlessly pierced through the Mist Killer's skull and into the brain. However, the expected scene of blood spurting everywhere didn't happen. All they heard was the sound of something being punctured, and suddenly, the huge head deflated like a punctured basketball. Xie Yuxin twisted his bayonet and saw a strange bug, about the size of an infant's fist, struggling for awhile on the bayonet before dying.

Before everyone could clearly identify the strange bug, more Mist Killers appeared, crazily roaring while charging out from the white mist.

The sight of hundreds of them charging out made three of the weakest member in the team nervous, and this was not something they could control.

Suddenly, the Thorn Forest, which was originally peaceful, sensed the nervous emotions and suddenly grew alive. Countless thistles started moving like Medusa's snake hair, and were magically waving in the air.