Aslan's King!

To possess such strength, and to be able to see the big picture, this was no longer a super soldier, but a general!

One of them was from Aslan. Bolet and Sarabujal could only be envious. But the other was from Earth!

At this highest moment, there was an Earthling.


The golden balls of light would lose some energy each time they expanded. Wang Zheng and Lin Feng's expressions would become more serious each time as this is a clash between their energies.

It was a barehanded battle!

Kashawen frowned. A battle at this stage was no longer something she could control. Kashawen was now curious. For Lin Feng to reach this level, he had used up resources accumulated by the Aslan Empire over the years, together with the right conditions, but how about Wang Zheng?

This guy was only slightly above twenty, and younger than Lin Feng by a few years. How had he managed to do it?