Fighting As He Wished

"Do you know what to do now?" Xiao Fei asked with a smile. In Wang Zheng's eyes, Teacher Xiao Fei was a goddess-like existence.

"The Titatitan Star!"

"That's right. I thoroughly understood the whole situation there. That's where suits you best now. You should maximize your influence and build a strength that belongs to you. I believe you are not an overly ambitious person. You can only control your own destiny and protect the people you want to only when you have power," Xiao Fei said gently as she controlled her feelings and her own voice.

Xiao Fei's last sentence woke Wang Zheng up. He had been feeling helpless, but he didn't want to feel that way!

He had to try even if he failed!

"Let me tell you one more thing. I've discussed it with Zisu. We are going to set up a branch of Ares College in Tita. It will be under your care."
