Man Up!

After 60 odd giants, Wang Zheng suddenly felt that the difficulty increased. They seemed to be learning how to resist him. Their joint attacks got sharper. Their bodies might be huge, but after learning physical techniques, their agility and speed improved vastly.

Finally, cheers roared as the last giant fell. This was power. Wang Zheng's body felt light again. Battles like these were great for warm-up.

"Power is superficial. When practicing and training, pay attention to the integration of comprehension and nature. Break in and find your own way."

Wang Zheng explained in a manner that wasn't very fierce, though the giants could hear clearly nonetheless. There was an alloy blade more than 50 meters tall in the middle of the training ground.

Wang Zheng came to the foot of the sword and focused. In an instant, the entire sword was clear and he pointed at it.

An atomic explosion!