Saruman Snake's Spirit

From the signs… the Solar System's defeat was certain, but he could not say it, as it would not change anything. Just like Lie Guang's death, fate was predetermined. He had taken Lie Guang as a disciple, why? To save him?

He was unable to save him, it was just to make himself feel better. As a person, how was it possible to see past everything?

The fleets were battling fiercely, the mech warriors were killing each other, the laser cannons by the planetary level battleships were able to tear a hole in space. This was the strength of mankind's weapons. Various ships lit up space as they were engulfed in flames, followed by the unforgettable screams of help.

For the warriors, their gazes never wavered. They had to fight to the death.

Achilles, Lie Xin, Zhang Shan, and the rest were shouting, commanding their units to maintain formation, attack the enemy. This was a round of intense battle.