He Is My Older Bro

Headquarters' decision was conveyed to the Yanzhou branch, and the staff at the Yanzhou branch contacted Fang Zhao to discuss matters about the endorsement.

When Fang Zhao received the news, he was surprised. He had not expected that Fiery Bird would actually want to increase the endorsement deal.

When Fang Zhao visited Fiery Bird's Yanzhou branch, he got a detailed grasp of the situation and understood Fiery Bird's intention.

"Diting series? That means to say you want me to endorse an entire series?"

Fang Zhao looked at the information the other person had given him. He knew that what Fiery Bird viewed as important was not his musical talent but rather his ears. Now, Fiery Bird headquarters had had a new notion because of Fang Zhao's upcoming concert and wanted to increase the endorsement deal.