Enjoying In Spite Of Suffering

Curly Hair placed the thing between his teeth beside Fang Zhao's feet before scampering back off to the fields. In the blink of an eye, he came back with another.

Fang Zhao put on a pair of gloves, picked up the thing beside his leg, and examined it. "Seems like it is really a little different."

After studying them, Fang Zhao placed the two animals that Curly Hair had caught on the ground. Even if these two hadn't been smashed dead by Curly Hair, they were probably dazed and half-dead. Song Ping was also standing watch at the side holding some equipment and stomped on them once more. Song Ping definitely wouldn't go easy on these sorts of pests.

Mitisy squatted down and examined this new species curiously.

Woo Tianhao watched as Curly Hair went off to catch pests again. He itched to give it a try too so he followed after.