Those Ears Of His

When Fang Zhao found Zhao Chao, the captain was standing before a building on a call. His expression didn't seem so good.

Surrounding the building were personnel from the Whale Island Guard.

Fang Zhao only went over after Zhao Chao ended the call.

"The person went in?" Fang Zhao asked.

Zhao Chao kneaded his own forehead. "It's a comprehensive laboratory. Animals outside the laboratory aren't allowed in more than seventy percent of the areas inside. The guard have already sent in some men, and we have already contacted the staff inside to cooperate. Now this building is locked down. People can enter, but nobody can exit."

Laboratories were the places that inspection dogs were least willing to go. Even if they were permitted inside, their mental states would be affected. The atmosphere and smell inside made inspection dogs nervous.

Fang Zhao first got Curly Hair to stay outside with another inspection team member before following Zhao Chao in.