My Father Is Fang Zhao

Fang Zhao didn't stay for too long at Zaro's little gathering. Mo Lang had given him a task yet again, and he needed to return and handle it.

As Fang Zhao was leaving, Zaro told him, "Let's talk more when you are free. See you in the game."

The Leizhou professional Esports athletes: "…"

Senior Master, you are really high today.

Fang Zhao chuckled. "Alright, but it might have to wait till after I graduate."

After returning to his dormitory, Fang Zhao looked at the questions concerning his thesis that Mo Lang had sent over as well as the timing for the dissertation defense.

HuangArt had just finalized Fang Zhao's dissertation defense timing ten minutes ago. After him would be other advanced students who had submitted applications in turn.