Looming Chaos (Part Three)

Of the Corpse-refining technique of lower Mao Mountain, the first step was corpse-selecting, then came the corpse-cleansing.

After those two steps, one had to find a location with a ruinous layout to bury the corpse, covering its chest with a Yin Eight Diagram [TL/N: or Bagua], so as to speed up the process of gathering Yin energy.

Then, every seven days, burn a Corpse-refining talisman at the burial site and kill a rooster at midday, sprinkling its blood on the soil. This was because midday was the period in a day when Yang energy was the most powerful and rooster belonged to the element of Xun Wood [TL/N: as in an Eight Diagram], whose crowing just before dawn started the production of Yang energy of the day, making it an animal enabling Yin to turn into Yang and it itself a Yang creature endowed with some Yin property. Therefore, the blood of a rooster could melt down Yang energy, transforming it into its Yin counterpart.