Dan and Instrument

Jiang Xiaojin's winter break had just started.

To little rogues like herself, living with parents was as good as killing her. With Chinese New Year around the corner, her old man was also taking a break from his business, resting his body and soul at home while taking the chance to discipline his own daughter.

As a result, Xiaojin was to get up at eight, go to bed at ten, eat three meals on time everyday, and no night life was allowed whatsoever. The mustang running wild was now a poodle on a leash.

Of course, today she had the perfect excuse. She was going to visit her cousin!

Jiang Xiaojin hopped into her old bucket of bolts and arrived at Xiaozhai's doorstep shortly after the phone call. She rang the doorbell and Long Qiu opened the door for her. Both girls were somewhat dazzled by the other one. The feeling of "hello, beautiful" was mutual.

"Are you my sister's friend?"