Thelema Magick Order

On mentioning western enchanters, names such as Merlin, Nicolas Flamel, or the boy who lived naturally came into one's mind. Actually, just like great men of Taoism, such as Ge Hong, Chen Tuan, and Ye Fashan, who had had great impact on the eastern cultivation system, some real people had also influenced the magic community of the West in a similar manner.

Aleister Crowley was one of them.

He was from Britannia and lived in a period not quite far from now. Born in 1875, he had picked up the hobby of travelling, travelling, and travelling some more since he was little. Well, that, and making love with women he met while travelling.

He was once a student of Cambridge University, but dropped out halfway through. Later, he was introduced to an organization called "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn".