Before, the bell-ringing had a fixed rhythm, solemn and profound, yet subtly distant. This time, starting from the fifty-seventh ring, the pace suddenly quickened, even carrying a hint of urgency.
All ten people noticed the anomaly, secretly guessing, and then simultaneously the same thought emerged: Could it be, Mother/Master is returning?
Jin Jin and Jiuru were the most excited, scurrying up to the Bell Tower, advancing to take a closer look. Indeed, Gu Yu had his hand on the Bell Hammer, yet his gaze was fixed beyond Jade Void, as if expecting something to arrive.
The bell resonated, echoing through both realms.
When the count reached one hundred, that presence was already very close. Gu Yu simply dropped the Bell Hammer and, in the blink of an eye, appeared in the pavilion beneath the waterfall. After three years, that physical body was intact, exactly as it had been before.