Changing Strategies

The bards and the mages strolled the streets, spreading the knowledge of magic-----this afternoon, this scene could be seen around twenty plus cities in Carretas.

Whether it was Carretas, or the whole magic scene of the world, today was a day to remember.

Magic has opened its mysterious veil, walking out from the thousand and hundreds of years of secrecy, entering the lives of every ordinary person. Like a person that loved hunting could become a hunter, a person that loved cooking could become a cook, if a person loved magic, they would be able to feel it.

From a perspective, it was a historic day.

But, all of this was just the backstory. To Benjamin, he had to gain the support of everyone, to gather enough funds to go against the Church.

The bards were hired with money, the whole thing was rehearsed once just to make sure it had a good effect. Right now, Benjamin sat in the restaurant in Galloway, he was excited, not knowing how the response was.