
An arrow so fast it was hard to detect flew towards Kumaraghosha. An arrow at this speed might be able to hurt an unsuspecting mage, but for a senior platinum knight, it was hardly a threat.

Kumaraghosha stared ahead thoughtfully. He raised his right hand and caught the arrow. However, to Kumaraghosha’s dismay, the arrow burst into light and did not stop. It slipping past his hand and headed straight for his throat. Kumaraghosha had a fast reflex, and his combat power suddenly became blinding. The arrow froze in his palm.

Kumaraghosha looked at the arrow, and his eyes widened. Before he could do anything, the arrow burst into flame. The wave of fiery heat obscured Kumaraghosha’s figure and threw his guards away from him.

As the light dispersed, Kumaraghosha’s figure appeared. The explosion wasn’t enough to hurt a senior platinum knight, but his stallion was wounded. Its back and neck were both injured, and the poor horse crashed to the ground.