Careful Planning

"How strange," Anfey whispered as he flipped through the book. He had been trying to use light magic for a while, but something strange and unexpected happened.

In the past, he could manage to control light elements and summon balls of light. They might not have been powerful, but he could always do it. Now, he found that following the book’s instructions resulted in nothing.

He had tried almost all spells in the book, and not a single one worked. However, when he closed the book and gathered the elements using his own style, he could manage to summon a light ball or two.

Anfey frowned and closed the book when the memory of Warner praying sprang into mind. He grimaced. Did he really need to pray in order for light magic to work?

"Anfey, what are you doing?" Suzanna asked as she walked into the room and saw the grimace on Anfey’s face.

"Nothing," Anfey said, tossing the book onto a nearby table. "Were you out again with Shawn and Dalmatian?"