Shiny Things

Fina could care less about the two cranky men. She glanced at them as they walked in and didn’t look at them again. She would ignore their presence as long as they were not here to steal cats. In her eyes, humans were born to serve cats and everyone in this world should be her servant.

She used to own countless treasures and jewelry. In most cases, small rings were not even up to her standards. The only thing that fascinated her was the bright, shiny stone mounted on the ring—the diamond. It was so pure and clear, yet flashed a dazzling brilliance. The radiance could drastically vary when looking from a slightly different angle.

Fina soon solved the mystery: the wonderful, luminous lights came from the extraordinary cut. Even in the great era she used to live in, the most experienced craftsmen could not have made such a great piece of art. Every ray which came off the diamond was so straight, every edge was extremely smooth and every angle was very sharp.