Until Death Do You Guys Apart

When the Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance, it didn’t matter if Xiao Niu was ready to make a payment, or if other people were choosing pets; they all paused for a moment, and stared at the car doors curiously. They were curious as to what kind of cat Xiao Yan would bring out. In the end, from the co-pilot seat, she took out…a cat carrier—the cat did not show its face at the moment.

It would be false to say that Zhang Zian wasn’t the least bit curious either. He also quite wanted to know what kind of temper the cat had that was so bad. Xiao Yan locked the car doors, and walked into the shop carrying the cat carrier. The gazes from the people around her made her feel a bit awkward. She coughed lightly and said to Zhang Zian, "Should I let it out here? It will toss around ferociously the moment it enters the bathroom…"

"As you please, anywhere is fine," Zhang Zian replied.