The Dream of the Glorious Age was Gone

The seven Rainbow Warriors walked side by side and occupied the entire sidewalk. The pedestrians coming from the opposite direction separated and formed a path for them in fear of accidentally offending them.

Zhang Zian looked at their backs, his heart full of sorrow.

"What happened?" Fina jumped out, stared at his face, and looked at the seven Rainbow warriors who were leaving.

Fina had learned to use the bathroom toilet. She came downstairs after having just used it.

Zhang Zian was glad that Fina hadn’t seen that scene, otherwise she would definitely fight with them. Fina was vigorous and sensitive, but the result would never be good if one faced seven ... Moreover, they wore bulging clothes, so he suspected that there were dark weapons hidden inside.

"Nothing, they were asking for directions," he sprinkled a little lie.

Fina stared at him suspiciously.