A Trip For Righteousness (Part 2)

There came a rotten smell.

The dead, rotten smell came from a quiet lane ahead.

Old Time Tea knew it had arrived at its destination.

A hot wave came from its chest up to its throat.

It knew it was getting old, not as strong as he used to be, just like how the song went:

[The wind smiles

It makes me feel lonely

But there are still great thoughts in my mind.——]

It wasn't a good time to be sad at the moment. Old Time Tea tried to let out excess body heat from breathing quickly, which also reverted its rapid heart rate back to normal.

Old Time Tea didn't enter the lane from the ground. Being a cat, walking on the wall was way safer.

Standing up on the wall, Old Time Tea carefully observed this lane.

Slop and garbage was everywhere. The heavy stink was, in fact, a natural protection of the lane from outsiders. A normal person would not come in.

There were no street lights.